Things we talk about ....
It's a long day in office and as we sit in front of the CRT doing our jobs and sometimes with nothing to do, many things come to our minds and out from under our fingertips. Here's a snippet of what goes on during those IM sessions...

From Hitchhikers guide to galaxy to lord fo the rings to vikings

shAq: The question is: why would i want the earth destroyed now
aankha : i dunno... to hitch a ride to the galaxy??
aankha : do you have an alien friend that might point a thumb in the right direction?
shAq : don't know.. but i have my suspicions about a girl who sits next to me in the office..
aankha : hmm... i'm wondering as well..
aankha : too bad i don't have a golden ring on my thumb
shAq : where're your bangles or bracelets u were wearing yesterday?
aankha : invisible......
shAq : ok... so.. call them up?
aankha : i can't ... it's their choice
aankha : don't tell anyone... but
aankha : they're alive.......
shAq : who are alive?
aankha : the bangles and bracelets and the rings
aankha : they only let me wear them out of pity
aankha : and only let anyone see them when they're in the modd
aankha : mood**
shAq : i'm starting to see some resemblence here.
shAq : the only thing that i need to hear now is "MY PRECIOUS" must be the beginning phase..
aankha : i said they go invisible.. not make me go invisible as well
aankha : and if i start doing the "my precious" imitation.. just KILL ME please
shAq : but jwellery with a mind of their own.. Say.. you didn't buy them off some creepy antique store.. did you?
aankha : not reallt
aankha : really
aankha : oh my god
aankha : it ws given to me
aankha : it's a conspiracy
shAq : now.. start with a conspiracy.. what conspiracy?
aankha : they all want to get me
aankha : the conspiracy to get my privacy
aankha : learn my secrets
aankha : control me
aankha : oh no
aankha : what an i to do??
aankha : do you think they have brainwashed me yet>
aankha : ??
shAq : not to mention.. ruin your 40/40 vision
aankha : yeah
shAq : don't worry.. i have a way..
aankha : no... not my 40/40 vision
shAq : seek the tallest volcano in the deepest gorge. There you'll find a sword.. Do not touch it.. Past the sword there's a well but there's no water in it. It's filled with lava. Now drop the jwellery in it and run out of there.. coz' the volcano will errupt then.
aankha : okay will do
aankha : ummmm... how do i find the gorge?
shAq : Good luck .. fair maiden. may Oden grant you safe passage and Thor protect you from the firebreathing lizards of the northen skies.
aankha : or do i look for the volcano first?
aankha : thor might just drop a giant hammer on your head for that dig
shAq : what dig?
aankha : the protect me from the firebreathing lizards part
aankha : you might make them dragons
aankha : what good are lizards?

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